How To Trust The Process Of Manifestation

Manifestation is a co-creation process. You decide on what you want and you put it in the hands of the Divine. A big yet sometimes missing ingredient is TRUST.


I’ve been such a manifestation goddess that sadly I fell into the trap of believing that I am unstoppable. And that everything I touch turns to gold🤔

While that belief really served me well in terms of following my bliss and creating abundance in my life. The hard lesson I needed to learn was that all the abundance that was bestowed upon me was simply a GIFT. Not just a gift but a BLESSING from God.

I got so used to the fact that whatever I wanted, manifests.

And when I say “fact”, I TRULY mean it!

You see, whatever we want will manifest!

If we follow the manifestation rules of having a burning desire backed by unwavering faith, visualizing with the end in mind, and then trusting till manifestation occurs.

The Manifestation Process in 3 easy to follow steps
The manifestation process in 3 easy to remember steps!

But sometimes we forget that manifestation only occurs if it was in our highest good.

If we long for something, but God and our soul know that whatever we are asking for is NOT good for us, two things are most likely to happen:

1. We don’t manifest it because it’s not for our highest good.

That’s when most people get upset and angry. And If upset and angry weren’t enough, we also add the blame game to the mix.

blame and anger and are low vibrational emotions that’ll keep you stuck in these low vibes

We blame ourselves, God, the manifestation process itself and we even start to blame other people for our lack of results.

Guys, blame, and anger and are low vibrational emotions that’ll keep you stuck in these low vibes. I am no exception.

I fell into that trap many times till I learned that sometimes things don’t work out because God sees that the manifestation of this situation is NOT GOOD FOR ME.

So now when I don’t manifest something, instead of getting angry. I THANK GOD for saving my butt and ask God to bring forth what’s best for me and for my highest good.

Keep the faith, my friends, just cause it didn’t manifest that doesn’t mean something BETTER is not on the way!

2. We forcefully “Will It” to manifest!

Sometimes, when things are not manifesting with ease and instead of TRUSTING The Process, we force things to happen and OMG does that have a very hefty life lesson attached?

See my loves, because we have free will we can choose to force things to manifest with brute force.

We can work our butts off. And we can apply ourselves till manifestation occur. But sadly because that manifestation was NOT for our higher good, it comes with a very, very heavy, and sometimes expensive life lesson.

I know I forcefully manifested a few things into my life that were a total disaster by the time it was all said and done.

Let me give you an example of manifestation gone wrong:

I longed for having a dog. And every time I tried to adopt a puppy, things fell through and it didn’t work out.

The truth is, I got so sick and tired of waiting so I went ahead and just bought a puppy.

I love fur babies!

I believe in adoption. Because there are many fur babies that are in need of a home. But I grew so tired of the wait, so I forcefully manifested a dog into my life by buying one.

You might be thinking, well Soul, that sounds awesome, what’s the issue?

Keep reading…

What I didn’t know at the time is that I was about to lose my job and had to move to another city for another job and where I moved they wouldn’t allow dogs so I had to let go of my little guy.

Thankfully, my grandma took pity on me and took the dog, but the poor thing got attacked by a pitbull within a year from the time my grandma adopting him. Pooks was his name and he lived a short 1.5 years 😢

I am sorry if that got you sad, it got me sad remembering this, for sure. I miss him but I know he’s in a better place.

So let’s bring the energy up after this heavy story. I do have a dog now that I adopted and that I love and he’s been in my life 10+ years already.

So, in essence, my dear ones, what I am trying to say here is that when manifestation occurs it’s a gift and a blessing from God. And when it doesn’t then it’s a blessing in disguise. Trust the process. Have faith that God has your back, and live your life like you’re winning each and every day even when it seems like you’re losing.

That’s what manifestation is all about.


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Manifestation Pitfalls

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