Feeling Lost? Time To Find Yourself Again!

Have you felt so lost that you feel like you don’t even know who you are anymore?

Or got stuck in the habit of pleasing your parents, your spouse, your boss, and society at large that you don’t even know your own self-identity?

Have you looked at yourself in the mirror and you couldn’t even recognize who’s the person looking back at you?

If you answered “yes” to any of these then you have lost yourself during this life journey and it’s time to find yourself again!

Life can be a fun journey but it’s a journey that doesn’t come with a manual or a roadmap.

Life can be a fun journey but it's a journey that doesn't come with a manual or a roadmap.  How to find yourself when you feel lost.

Well, to be fair, going to school was supposed to help teach us a thing or two. But let’s be honest, school never prepared you and me for what to do when we lose ourselves and feel out of alignment.

Last year has been the most difficult year of my life.

Yup, even 2020 is not that bad when I compare it to what happened last year.

In the span of 6 months, I lost my job and all of my life savings, I went through a MAJOR breakup, witnessed a betrayal of trust first hand and above all accumulated a mountain of debt that crushed me alive.

All these seemingly tragic events transpired because I lost myself.

Because I let what others think of me guide my decisions. And, last year the house of cards that I built came crumbling down.

Everything I worked so hard on for years broke down to a million pieces.

Now, the truth is, I needed to go through that experience in order to find myself again.

I have let other people around me influence my self-identity.

The first rule of recovery is accepting responsibility.

How to find yourself again when you lost yourself in the first place

In order for me to find myself again, I had to go back to ground zero.

And this is how it all unfolded.

I was let go of from the job that I invested all of my being into. For that job, I gave it all my energy and my heart. I invested my soul into that job as at the time it felt like the right thing to do.

There were some red flags that I missed cause I overrode my gut feelings. And wow, was that a heavy lesson to learn!

While I was at that Job I lived on my life savings as the job didn’t pay much but I felt that the vision of that job was in alignment with me. Sadly, the owners of that business didn’t see my value and when things got tough, it was easier to release me than to work things out with me.

Guys, I am not telling you this to play the victim, NOT AT ALL!

I am sharing this with you because I know now that I MUST TRUST MY INTUTIONS going forward. While I was at that job, my gut was alarming me but I didn’t listen cause I was so thrilled to be part of a big vision and to give of myself for the promise of changing the world.

The biggest red flag that I ignored was how the people who worked at that business had a conformity mindset. Unless you fit a specific mold, you’re not in.

There was no room for individuality or growth. It was a small start-up company where you’d think individuality and uniqueness would thrive but that wasn’t my case.

I also mentioned I had a major breakup, well it wasn’t a relationship break-up but more of a break-up with a large number of people who were associated with that environment.

While in that environment, I had met many people who I thought had my back, who I thought loved me and honored me for who I am. And did I have another wake-up call with that. The minute I was released from my duties, those same people, wouldn’t even say Hi to me or wish me good luck on my next endeavors.

Long story short, I was heart-broken and BROKE!

I looked at myself in the mirror and I didn’t even know who I was anymore…

What I am aiming for from sharing the painful details of my journey is that you don’t have to go through the same painful experience of losing everything in order to find yourself.

My hope is that you actually initiate yourself into the “finding yourself” path, willingly! Using your own free will, using your own judgment, using your own timing.

I’ll share with you a few ways that really helped me in finding myself again.

By implementing some of these simple ways, they could really help you find yourself again.

1. How do I become myself again?

When you let life consume you, the only way out is going inward!

Going inward and spending lots of time soul searching has helped me find myself again.

I looked myself in the mirror and asked, Who am I?

What came to my mind was surface-level stuff. Like, I am Soul; a person who likes to write and create things. Nature is my favorite way to unplug from reality and I love dogs.

But that wasn’t the answer that my spirit wanted to hear.

That was the answer that was coming from the intellect, that was the answer that came in from my mind.

So I had to dig deeper!

In my prayers and meditations, I kept asking; Who am I, who am I, who am I?

And then one day at a moment of clarity, I got the answer!

I am a child of God; an image of the Divine that is living in this physical reality.

That I am a soul who has lost its path and became identified as the body, as the job, as the belonging, as the money and lost track of who I really was which is an Image of the Divine having a human experience right here on Earth.

So going inward was the first way that enabled me to get on the path of finding myself again.

2. How do I find myself again and be happy?

The truth is, most of us walk through life not really knowing who we are. It's time to ask yourself: What really makes you happy? What is it that you love? And what gives you meaning?

The second thing that I used to really help me discover who am is addressing my past wounds, instead of avoiding them.

So, let’s use the job loss as an example. I asked myself, what does the job loss trigger within me? By digging deep and gave myself permission to feel.

I noticed that this job loss triggered all of my insecurities from childhood and teenage years.

It reminded me of how as a child, I gave my best at sports, and yet I didn’t win.

Also, the job loss, reminded me of how I was as a teenager? As young kids, we want to fit in and be part of a group. As a teen, I did my best to fit in and be part of the “in-crowd” at school, and how I struggled for years.

Isn’t amazing how we carry all of our past wounds with us and how they remain invisible until we get triggered.

So when I lost this job, it brought all these emotional triggers of loss and struggle, of giving your all and not getting anything in return.

And that’s when I had to took a deep look inside myself and said: This cycle ends here!

You’ve done your best. And now you know better so you do better. You got to let go of all these stories, of all these painful events, of all these things that have contributed to make you the strong person that you are today!

I looked at my wounds as a springboard to bounce back from tragedy fast and rebuild myself again and again and again.

3. How to become whole again?

You do that by healing the wounds of your past! And this 3 step process will aid you with that

  1. Identify the wound
  2. Bless the wound
  3. Forgive daily

For me, I had to let go of all my past wounds to heal them and become whole again.

So I listed all my wounds on paper.

I looked at those wounds with love and blessed them and then went down each wound and forgave the person who contributed to that wound.

I forgave them, not for them but for me.

Because I really wanted a clean slate and didn’t want the past to control me. I had to find myself. And by healing my wounds, I found myself again.

4. How to fall in love with yourself again?

When you lose yourself, you became very judgmental of yourself.

I really had to be emotionally aware of how I felt about myself.

It took a lot of healing, grounding, and centering to love myself again.

By understanding my emotions I gave myself permission to love myself again.

Little by little, I became whole again. I looked at people who faced adversity and came out stronger and studied them. By studying Helen Keller, Oprah, Maya Angello, and many other greats, I realized that they have turned their adversity to their biggest teachers.

Falling in love with myself again became my sole mission and I succeeded!

So in essence, my friends, if you’ve lost yourself, you must start by radically accepting yourself the way you are. To find yourself again and be your authentic self, you must be yourself in the first place.

So in this article, I shared with you ways that have really helped me step into my power and become the inspired person that I am today.

I can happily say that I live life with more purpose right now that I have found myself again.

Daily, I am rebuilding my career and finances, and I’m not relying on other people’s opinions of me to define who I am.

Also, I’m attracting people who are seeing me for the way I am; who see my truth, my authentic self, and not the “pretend-self” that wants to fit in. That’s how I’m leading my life and I believe if you lead your life with that light, then you will be amazed at how much your life will shift in a matter of months, if not less.

Thank you for reading, I love you so much! And until I see you again, go out and be your sexy authentic self and find yourself again!


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How to find yourself again?

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