I Am Not Lucky, I Am Blessed

"I Am Not Lucky I Am Blessed" is my favorite saying. This mantra has the potential of changing your life.


“I Am Not Lucky, I Am Blessed” is a mantra that I live by each and every day. When I say these words, they bring tears to my eyes. “I Am Not Lucky, I Am Blessed” is more than a saying to me. It’s a way of being!

Last year was a very difficult year. I have witnessed first hand betrayal at the most disturbing level. A betrayal, so heinous that I felt used and abused, and disgusted with myself for not seeing it.

Let me fill you in…

I am sure at one point in your life, you kept seeing red flags with a certain person, a group of people, or even government officials or certain news outlets. Well, please pay attention when red flags are showing, it’s your gut trying to tell you something.

I created a post about red flags on my FB page and the feedback was pretty much unanimous.

If you don’t know what unanimous means don’t you worry, I got your back: unanimous means formed with or indicating unanimity: having the agreement and consent of all.

Here’s the post:

Having thousands of people on Facebook agreeing to “noticing the signs of red flags” when it comes to certain people or circumstances has really opened my eyes to the fact that many people have felt the way I felt.

Betrayal is never fun, but if we remain stuck in the energy of betrayal then we will keep attracting more situations that affirm that back to us.

Which brings me back to the saying: “I Am Not Lucky, I Am Blessed”

I had to remind myself on daily basis since the day that tragedy hit me, that I am blessed! And that from that painful experience, there’s a blessing to be revealed.

I’m not gonna lie, it was a difficult pill to swallow for me.

The betrayal I witnessed came from not one person but a group of people whom I trusted for more than 5 years. I did everything I could to support that group. I gave them my all, in short, I was all in.

Truth be told, that group knew that I have a heart of service and they played me like a fiddle.

Seeing the goodness in people is a gift, but don't let that blind you when you sense a foul play.

Anytime a red flag appears and I start to question things. I get blindsided by the mission, and the vision, and how we will change the world together.

But the truth always has a way of coming out!

So, in the summer of last year, God wanted to open my eyes. So this occurred:

I was asked to leave, without being fully compensated for 2 years worth of service that I did out of the goodness of my heart with the promise to be paid eventually. I was thrown out like a piece of garbage when things became inconvenient. And, instead of taking time to work things out with me, I was asked to depart before the end of the week. I was told that news on a Tuesday and was expected to be gone by Friday.

I was in such a state of shock that, to be honest, I didn’t even know what to do, where to go or whom to talk to?

But the saying, “I Am Not Lucky, I Am Blessed”, kept playing in my head! Truth be told, having that saying play in my head wasn’t helpful. I felt used, abused, taken for granted, and the last thing I felt was BLESSED.

So I did what I do best in times of crisis which is PRAY!

I prayed for days and nights! I prayed that God somehow helps me make sense of all that occurred.

Days passed, weeks passed, months passed, and I wasn’t sure what was the purpose of what happened.

All that changed this morning…

Today, as I was writing in my journal, I realized that I woke up this morning filled with energy!

To me, that was a huge breakthrough.

To realize that I am feeling energetic when for months I felt depleted and didn’t know how to face my mountain of bills now that I have no job and that I wasn’t paid when I was let go of. For months, I pretty much felt like finding a cave and hiding in it for the rest of my life.

So to my surprise, when I felt energetic today, I took a minute to rejoice! Then I felt inspired to write this article with the hope that it can help someone who might’ve been betrayed or used at any point in their life.

See, for the last 6 months, I took the time to reconnect with myself.

Being in the environment I was in for 5 years, it was not good for my soul, but my logical mind kept focusing on the material stuff. When I wasn’t paying attention to the signs, God had to step in!

He shook my world, so I can begin to get back on track.

The last 6 months were hard, but every day I kept getting up and repeating that I am not lucky, I am blessed.

Today, I finally realized why that statement was playing in my head every day for the past 6 months. It’s God’s way of saying, dear child, you needed to get back to what gives your soul energy and that wasn’t what you were doing in the past 5 years.

See, I am back to praying daily, meditating, going on walks in nature. I left the City which is where I lived in the past 5 years and moved back to the country.

I really took the time to process the last 5 years of my life.

By doing so, I was able to see where I missed the mark. I was able to see the big picture. Also, I was able to integrate the lessons learned and open my heart to forgiveness.

Today, I can happily report that what I am doing now is more in alignment with my soul purpose. Daily, I spend my time writing about spirituality, angels, meditation, and other ways to enrich my life and the lives of those I serve. And that’s a BLESSING!

From the bottom of my heart, I want to THANK you all for being part of my journey. Our FB pages is 2,000 away from reaching 600,000 followers. This blog has 2000 readers and growing and It’s only 2 weeks old.

Daily, I choose to remind myself of how BLESSED I am!

Life truly works in mysterious ways, and whenever you’re in doubt, pray and say the mantra: “I Am Not Lucky, I Am Blessed”


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I Am Blessed

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