This Holiday Season I decided to collect my favorite Christmas Quotes and turn them into a living tapestry of art. For the enjoyment of all us around the globe, join me in spreading Joy and Cheer by sharing this all over the world.

Who’s in?

I hope you said YES! Because I am about to share with you the BEST Christmas Quotes to truly make this time, the most wonderful time of the year. I hope you like ’em!

And at the off chance that you said no, then please keep reading as I have a feeling that you’ll get into the holiday spirit as soon as you start feasting your eyes with all these sparkly Holiday cheers.

So, let’s begin with this season’s Christmas Quotes Edition # 1.

Christmas and Holiday Cheers:

My idea of Christmas whether old-fashioned or modern is very simple: Loving Others.
Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?

I don’t want much for Christmas. I just want the person is reading this to be happy, healthy and loved.

May the peace and joy of the Holidays be with you and your family.

I don’t think Christmas is necessarily about things. It’s about being nicé and to honor one another. ~ Zane Baker

I still believe in Santa Claus. He may not be the one that puts presents under the tree,
but his spirit works through us each time we give freely without expectation and each
time we spread, love, joy, and light

I think as you grow older your Christmas List gets shorter, because the things
you want can’t be bought.

This holiday season,
I have one simple wish for you:
I wish that you find happiness, abundance, love, and peace.

Year-End Reflection:

This year, I’ve been through a lot.
There have been enough ups and downs that I could easily say it’s been a bad year, but I’m still here. I’m still able to learn, grow, smile past the struggle, and count my blessings.
So for that, I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone and everything that’s still in my life.

I am ending the year with or forgiveness in my heart;
along with enough wisdom to know who to stop trusting.

For The New Year:

The new year is almost here… My wish for you:
Work hard but stay humble, take time for family and people that matter to you the most,
stay away from drama, and always be kind to everyone you meet.

Feeling the positive vibes of the new year heading my way!

I promise from this year onward to start creating new Christmas Quotes Editions. Please share your feedback with me in the comments.

Merry Christmas and Holiday Cheers to All,


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