Have you ever been confronted with a reality where on the surface everything looks good, but deep inside your gut was telling you otherwise?
Or, you felt something was off when you were in a specific situation?
How about sensing that someone you trust was not being sincere?
Well, if you answered YES to any of these questions, then you might be familiar with what gut feelings feel like.
I learned the hard way to start honoring my inner voice and to start trusting my gut.
Nothing explains my feeling about how to trust your gut much better than this quote:

So first things first let’s explore what “Trust Your Gut” means?
Every one of us is an intuitive being filled with divine energy. I believe that’s God’s gift to us to navigate life. As kids, we were more in touch with our intuitions. Also, we were more imaginative. As kids, when we thought of something we’d just run with an idea as if it was the BEST thing ever. As we grew older that intuitive side started to disappear.
Gut feeling is simply when your intuition is trying to tell you that something is off, but your analytical mind is not seeing yet.
Let me paint that for you with a story from my life that I feel would resonate with most of you guys!
One time, I sensed that a colleague of mine was being insincere with her compliments. Every time she complimented me, I just didn’t feel right and at times I even felt very uneasy.
I simply shrugged my gut feeling as I am just being paranoid.
See I was not feeling at ease because my body was picking on the vibration that my colleague was sending towards me.
What I came to learn 2 years later really helped me learn how to trust my gut more.
See, I was up for a promotion. My boss at the time, with the same colleagues I’m referring to, was having a discussion about the future of the company. Somehow I came to the picture, and she started telling my boss that I am too young and that if my boss promotes me it won’t look favorably on him with senior executives.
My boss was a very kind and just man! That’s what my gut was telling me about him and it was proven right. At the time, he knew how to trust his gut much better than me.
His response to my colleague was truly remarkable!
He told my colleague that he appreciates her feedback! At the same time, he let her know, nicely I am sure, as that man just oozes gentleness! He let her know that her role is not to give advice on who should or shouldn’t get promoted. Her role was to ensure that payroll was processed.
My boss kept that conversation he had with her secret. I know why? simply, he didn’t want me to feel any animosity towards that colleagues. But I learned about that conversation from another senior executive when I was offered another promotion 2 years later. The executive told me how my previous boss was so right in offering me the position I was in, in the first, place despite what that colleague of mine said.
Not gonna lie, I felt sad that she was behind my back trying to sabotage my promotion!
What was even more upsetting is that she and I were not working in the same department or line of work. While I felt conflicted, at the same time, I felt relieved. Why? Because for 2 years I wasn’t sure why I always felt uneasy when I was around her. Now, I know why! It’s the vibes!
Simply put, trusting your gut, is trusting the vibes you’re getting from people or situations.
Then and there, I learned why it’s important to “Trust Your Gut”!

Why am I sharing this with you? Because I want you to start listening to and trusting your gut. I am sure that you might’ve felt uneasy when you’re around a certain person. Or felt not safe while at a certain place or environment. That simply is your gut asking you to trust it.
Ok, now that you know what gut feeling means, let’s dive into how to trust your gut in the next part of this article.
How to Trust Your Gut?
I’ll share with you an energy practice that I usually do whenever I want to tune into my intuitive side. It’s very straightforward, check it out:
- Sit comfortably and breathe in from the nose and out through the mouth, do a round of 3-5 breaths
- Once you’re settled in, resume normal breathing and think of the person or situation that you want to trust your gut with
- Give your mind the space to wander but focus your attention on how your body feels?
- Your emotions are your GPS to learn what’s going on, so focus on tuning into your feelings
- Whenever in doubt, pray
So there you have it my dear friends, short and applicable advice on how to trust your gut.
Please read it, apply it and grow with it! And remember, wisdom is meant to be shared, so trust your gut on that and spread the love❤️
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