Have you been seeing 11:11 everywhere you go?
If so, then you’re in luck, as today I get to demystify the enigma that most people have about seeing number 11:11.
It is very possible that you have experienced the magical number 11:11 at one point or another in your life.
I won’t be surprised if you’ve even heard the saying that when you see 11:11, then it’s time to make a wish.
For me, usually, I experience seeing 11:11 when I look at my phone or when I am in the kitchen and just happen to look at the digital clock on my microwave. Sometimes when I am at hotels, and you know most hotels have that digital clock, and just when I look at the clock, it happens to be the time of 11:11.

Most people believe that if they’re seeing a particular digit or repeated numbers, then it is a sign from God/The Universe/The Divine Infinite or whatever you believe in?
Have you experienced seeing 11:11 or other combinations before?
Maybe while dialing a phone number, or looking at a car license plate number, or the numbers on your receipt or bank statement. If you have, please let me know in the comments at the end of this article. I love hearing people’s stories with angel numbers.
Well, some people believe that seeing those numbers is nothing more than just a coincidence. However, if we keep seeing these repeated numbers several times a day. Day after day, week after week. I can tell you from experience, it’s more than “Just a coincidence.”
Numbers, in general, have been linked to the human experience since ancient times. From Mesopotamian to Egyptian, and from Assyrian to Mayan civilizations, numbers always held an important vale.
Some people may find the number 7 a lucky number, while some may find number 13 unlucky.
According to the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras, every number has a unique vibration. This concept has led to the development of numerology.
Ok, so now that you have a bit more understanding about numbers in general, let’s dive into the 11:11 in specific.
The Phenomenon behind 11:11
It seems that number 11:11 is quite a hot topic nowadays; everyone is talking about noticing number 11:11 – Are you seeing it too?
Even Hollywood and Bollywood are taking this phenomenon seriously, and they are making movies based on this phenomenon. For example, the movie “I origins” is based on it.
Let’s learn more about this phenomenon!
There are so many people seeing it every day?
Is it a just biological quirk that aligns our bodies and mind to create a habit of seeing at a watch or mobile screen at a particular time of day? If so, why do people keep noticing 11:11 in most unexpected places such as on food bills or bank statements?
Theories Behind 11:11:
There are several theories that tell us about this phenomenon.
The most popular and common theory is that when people see 11:11, they should make a wish because there are great chances of fulfilling the wish.

Also, according to numerology and numerologists, the number 11:11 is an angel number that’s associated with manifestation and the fulfillment of desires/wishes/prayers. Furthermore, based on numerology, the basic qualities of number 11 are patience, honesty, idealism, intuition, and sensitivity.
The are other theories that tell us about how magical the number 11:11 is and how it works in your life. Some of them are:
When you start seeing 11:11 everywhere, you become part of the Divine flow of synchronicity. If you are seeing this energetic doorway, I invite you to make most of it by staying positive and focusing on blessings instead of shortcomings.
Confirmation Bias
It is also known as myside bias. It refers to the human tendency to find favor, interpret, and recall memories or events in a manner that confirms prior existing beliefs.
An example of that occurs when you notice some numbers repeatedly. Then your mind questions about the meaning behind this and how it can affect your life? Your predisposition to like or dislike a particular number, then eventually, will give the number a meaning that might play a role in your life.
So, guys, as you can see, there are many ways you can interpret what 11:11 means.
I personally love to think that when I am seeing number 11:11, then it’s an invite from The Divine to focus on what’s good and to pay attention to what I want instead of what I don’t want.

Here are 4 things you can do when you see the number 11:11 so you can get the MOST out of it.
1. Journal
Whenever you notice the number 11:11, write down how you were feeling and what were you doing at that exact moment?
These thoughts could be a sign from The Universe to give you in the right direction. Journaling about what were you thinking and doing on the time of seeing 11:11 can give you clarity about what direction the universe is guiding you towards?
2. Pray
Many people suggest that you should make a wish when you notice 11:11. I, however, look at as a sign from the spirit world and universe to ask for guidance or further clarification about a specific topic or situation.
3. Remain open
If you keep seeing number 1111 everywhere, then please keep an open mind and spirit.
Many people ignore the signs from the universe, which can lead them to a better future. These signs can open new opportunities and manifestations.
4. Meditate
Another thing I love to do when I see 1111 is to take a few minutes to meditate over what I was doing or thinking about when 1111 appeared.
Meditation is a powerful tool because it calms your mind and allows new signs and insights to enter your life.

Bottom line:
Numbers are closely related to our lives since ancient times.
Some numbers, especially numbers such as 11:11, are considered as signs from the universe. It indicates your upcoming manifestation from your higher self, your guardian angel, The Universe, or The Big Almighty God- whatever you want to call it.
Who knows? It can be a glitch in The Universe’s Matrix and through which spirits are trying to communicate with us. So, next time you’re seeing 11:11, be prepared to make a wish, remain positive and pray for the BEST!
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