Greetings Divine Soul! So blessed to have you back reading another one of my inspiring writings. Today I get to share with you how to live an intentional life and what it entails to achieve that objective.
Are you ready? Let’s dive in:
What does it mean to live an intentional life or living intentionally?
Short and simple, in order to live an intentional life, you get to live life with awareness.

What do you need to be aware of?
3 key things that are within your control and these are your …
- Thoughts
- Feelings
- Actions
The most important thing to be intentional with is your thoughts because your thoughts guide your feelings which will translate to the actions you take.
When you’re intentional and you bring awareness to the way you think, feel and act, you can’t help but feel more empowered. Most people live their lives worrying about past mistakes or ruminating about what could happen in the future. Thinking that way will keep you stuck and lead you down the path of doubt, fear, and self-sabotage.
What is an intentional person?
An intentional person is an aware person.
It’s a person who accepts the past for what it has taught him/her and releases it without regrets. Also, it’s a person who aspires to create a brilliant future but doesn’t long to have it NOW. Lastly, it’s a person who’s present and living purely in the divine present moment and lead his or her life with intentionality.
Which brings me to the next point where I get to share with you a few ways where you can lead your life with intention.

How do you lead your life with intention?
When you are aware of your life, you have a reason behind everything you do. My intention this AM was to write an article about how to live an intentional life. So, therefore, I am here writing to you.
What do you want to accomplish today? Write it down and then go after it with the tenacity of a child who’s learning how to walk!
Here’s a simple 3 step intention formula I use when I set an intention for what I want to accomplish for the day:
- Set an intention from a positive mindset (Thought)
- Expand your feeling to the feelings of joy and gratitude as you set your intention (Feelings)
- Take action from a place of gratitude for accomplishing the task (Actions)
When you incorporate the thought, feeling, action pattern to your life, you can’t help but start experiencing how it feels to live an intentional life.
So my invitation to you today is to find one area in your life that you want to bring more awareness and intention to. It could be your health, relationships or finances. Once you identify the area, use the 3 steps intention formula I shared in today’s article and then say out loud this Mantra:
I live an intentional life and I am grateful for it!
This mantra incorporates the thinking and action part as you are thinking and saying the word! Now, all you get to do is express emotions and feelings as you say the mantra out loud.
I express deep gratitude for being alive, for having the time and energy to work on the task. For having the inspiration to act on my intention. Before any task, I do this short and simple practice as I want to be fully present and in the moment as I take action.
So what are you waiting for? Go out there and have a wonderfully amazing intentional life and I’ll see you again tomorrow ?
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