Why setting boundaries is important especially for women.

Setting Boundaries is essential for all human beings, but for women in specific, we are givers by nature. So learn how to set boundaries today to live well!


Setting Boundaries is essential for all human beings. But for women, it’s even more important.

Most women are givers by nature so they have a harder time setting boundaries especially when it comes to helping those that they value and love.

Today, it doesn’t matter if you’re a guy or a gal? I invite you to truly ask yourself what are the things that you value the most in your life when it comes to how others treat you?

Is it honesty? Or authenticity? Maybe it’s being appreciated for what you do?

Honestly, it doesn’t matter what you value the most, as we all have different values. But the important part is for you to know what you value in your life. Because by knowing your values, you’ll be able to identify who might be stepping out of their boundaries and crossing the line with you?

Knowing your values is important for women in specific when it comes to setting boundaries.

Setting Boundaries is a way of caring for myself. It doesn't make me Mean, Selfish or Uncaring! I gotta care about me too.

You see, most women since childhood heard things like:

  • Be a good girl
  • Little girls are meant to be seen and not heard
  • Big girls don’t cry

These are just a few that came to my mind. As little girls, we learn these things and start to associate being silent or unemotional as important to be a healthy adult woman.

That’s so far away from the truth! As women, we are Divine Beings that give form to life. We are nurtures. We are creators. What kind of life can we create if we remain in the shadows?

If you’re a woman reading this, please take this seriously. If you’re a guy who has a girlfriend, a wife or even maybe raising a daughter, please empower the women in your life!

Nothing more manly in the eye of a woman than a guy who treats her like a queen.

Ok, back to setting boundaries!

Now that I drove the point home for everyone who’s reading this regarding the importance of knowing our values. Now it’s time to share with you what I feel is an important plan to help you set healthy boundaries that’ll allow you to be of service to others while honoring yourself in the process too.

7 Way to To Setting Boundaries For Yourself

Setting personal Boundaries is very important because these boundaries become your guidelines for how you want to be treated?

Let’s explore those 7 ways to create a life with healthy boundaries for yourself and those around you.

1. Stop saying YES to things that go against your value

Every human has an internal compass that tells us when we are off track. Women are even more in tune with that compass. If you feel someone is not treating you right, please listen to your inner compass. You’re not being extra sensitive if you’re sensing that someone is dishonoring you with their words or actions.

2. Cultivate a mind, heart connection

When your mind and heart are on the same page, your most authentic self emerges. And when your most authentic self is alive and well, you become more empowered to set healthy boundaries for yourself.

This video from Dr. Braden explains this in detail on how to have heart-mind coherence, it’s really amazing!

3. Be courageous and say NO when needed

Whenever someone requests from you to do something that goes against your values, have the courage to say NO! I learned that the hard way! Whenever I say YES to things that go against my values, they’ll eventually come back and bite in the tush! Don’t do that to yourself!

4. Practice kind self-talk

Being kind to yourself will empower you to say NO to those who are not treating you right. Lots of times when we let people mistreat us is because we have self-worth issues. I haven’t met a person to this day who has self-worth issues who spoke to themselves nicely. So let’s break the cycle and start to be kind to ourselves.

5. Find what gives you energy and do more of it

Everyone has a special hobby or activity that they really enjoy doing. To me, it’s reading outside in nature, like a park or by a lake and don’t mention the beach ?

So guess what I do at least once a week, I read outdoors. In the past, I used to feel guilty for taking time for myself. Now that I know my values of self-worth and self-care, so I don’t feel guilty at all.

Now, what’s your thing?

Maybe it’s doing puzzles! Or some art and craft project. I have a friend who loves going to the library once a week and just spend a few hours being surrounded by books with no agenda other than taking time for herself. How lovely is that!

Are you up for a challenge? If you’re inspired and up to this, do something nice for yourself this week! And then come back here and post what you did!

6. Eat well, exercise and drink water

When you treat your body right, you won’t even let anyone mistreat you. At least that’s how I feel about it.

I used to eat lots of junk food, drink tons of Soda, sometimes upward of 5 cans of Soda, I know discussing! By eating that way, subconsciously I was saying to the world, it’s ok to mistreat me. After all, I am eating and drinking junk and I am mistreating me, so what difference it would make if you do too. (This is my personal opinion on the matter, please don’t get too serious about this)

7. Protect your Space

Stay away from gossip, drama, and negativity. Whenever you join in these activities, you open yourself to more of that. I personally pay attention to who spread gossip/rumors and start to dissociate myself with them. I want a life of fun and positivity and if I join the crappy behavior of other, then I am inviting that to my life, and like Sweet Brown said: Ain’t nobody got time for that ?

There you go, dear wise souls! 7 ways to help you set healthy boundaries. Who said setting boundaries is hard work? Remember to share the wisdom.


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