Greetings, Lovely Souls! Today we get to talk all about how to be grateful and why it matters for your overall levels of happiness, joy, and wellness.
First things first, let’s dive into what it means to be grateful!
What does it mean to be grateful?

To be grateful is simply to be in a state of gratitude.
Meriam Webster dictionary defines being grateful as in expressing gratitude.
While I know technically expressing gratitude is the meaning of “be grateful,” I take “being grateful” to a whole new level.
Today I invite you to think of the term “being grateful” as a state of being. It’s the way you operate. It’s your internal state of being that you show up to the world with.
When you’re grateful, you more than express it with words, you express it with emotion! And everything expressed emotionally is more memorable to our conscious mind than mindless words.
Have you ever noticed how sometimes people say “Thank You,” and it feels so empty? It’s like there was no appreciation involved.
Ok, now that I shared with you what to “Be Grateful” means.
Let’s clear one BIG issue here…
Is it grateful or greatful?
English is not my first language; a matter of fact, it’s my 3rd. So if anytime you’re reading some of my articles, and there’s a typo, please forgive me. ?
For years I thought grateful was spelled greatful, like as being full of greatness. To me, it didn’t sound right, as greatness wasn’t the same as gratitude. But I figured who am I to question a language I didn’t know??
Long story short, after a while and with the help of spell-checking, I learned that “greatful” is not a word; it’s not even in the dictionary.
One blog that I love to help me with my writing is! And an excellent way they shared to remember how grateful is spelled is to think of sewer grates. Yes, we all get to be GRATEFUL for grates because, without them, we’ll be falling into the sewer. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want sewer anywhere near me, LOL. I am grateful for it but don’t want to fall in it ?
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Another question that people usually ask is: is being grateful an emotion?

Well, when you’re grateful, you feel emotions like joy, happiness, and appreciation. So I’d say it’s linked to emotions.
In my opinion, being grateful is more like a personality trait, like being timely or being considerate. Let me share with you why I feel this way?
I’m an energy worker, so in my line of work, I meet people who want energy work done on them, and in my work, I met so many people who are on the surface… They should be the MOST grateful people in the world! They have money, beautiful cars, awesome spouses or partners, kids go to a high school” if they have kids,” but WOW! Were they some of the most ungrateful people I have ever met?
Now guys, let’s not pass judgment, I met many broke and ungrateful people too!
That’s why I feel being grateful is a choice that reflects your attitude and personality.
Gratitude is like a radio wave, available for all, but only those who CHOOSE to tune in will experience it. ~ Zane Baker
Why is being grateful so important?
Short answer, gratitude, and being grateful is GOOD for you!
Want to learn more about WHY? Please read this detailed research that explains how expressing gratitude is the way to go for more happiness, joy, and wellbeing.
How to show an attitude of gratitude?
As I mentioned earlier, to be grateful is a state of being that comes for acknowledging all the good that you have in your life, especially good people as they are hard to come by. But truthfully, it goes beyond that, to be grateful is not directly linked to outside stimuli.
You can be sick and still be grateful as being sick reminds you of the days when you were well and didn’t even notice how important your health is to you?
Here are a few ways to develop an attitude of gratitude just to stimulate your mind:
- Express with words how thankful you are to people who are kind and courteous to you!
- Send thank you notices to people who did something nice for you. Maybe send them a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolate if your budget permits
- Find the good in every situation. This one is harder said than done, but let’s face it life is full of hardships. And if we wait for good things to happen all the time to feel grateful, then you might wait for a while. Show gratitude now!
- Acknowledge the FREE gifts you have in life. Like your health, the air your breath, the earth you live on, the friends and family you have.
- When blessed with abundance, share the wealth. I donate to causes I believe in. Also, I give money to the needy without judgment. In general, I share whatever I have small or large with an open heart. I know that the more I share, the more God/The Universe will reward me.
As I mentioned, these are a few ways oh how to be grateful!
I can go on for another ten pages, to be honest. But instead of doing that, I am going to invite you to join the discussion and share what ways you get to express gratitude today? Please share in the comment section at the bottom of this post.
Sharing is caring! Luv, Soul!
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