Table of Contents
Many people walk around with anxious feelings in their chests. Whenever you are in this situation, you may feel suffocated and like there is no way out. So how do we break through this wall of anxiety feeling? I am here to tell you that there is hope!
It takes time, patience, courage, and a lot of faith. Faith that there will be a satisfying end result.
The most important thing to do is to try because not trying guarantees failure without a doubt. I say the most important is “to try” because otherwise, you are choosing the option of “doing nothing.”
What anxiety feels like?
I believe that what anxiety feels like is entirely subjective. We all, however, have the ability to empathize with others and put ourselves in their shoes to allow us the opportunity to try and understand how they feel based on our own experiences.
Anxiety before I learned how to love and accept myself the way I am manifested as insecurity, feeling like a burden, and feeling like I was the only flawed one in the world.
I found myself comparing myself to others all the time. Furthermore, I was inwardly judging what I saw and felt anxious when comparing myself to other’s achievements.
The vicious cycle…
Anxiety can often feel like an overwhelming sense of uneasiness but is most commonly caused by feeling unloved.
One of the worst aspects of anxiety is feeling ignored or overlooked.
I get it; you’re a human being. You want to be seen! You want acknowledgment, and most of all, you want the approval of your family, friends, and peers.
But you can’t let your anxious thoughts keep running your life.
When your attention is drawn to something negative, it becomes your reality. There is a science behind that statement, and it’s called the scale of consciousness. This post is not about the scale of consciousness; however, please watch this video to understand the concept fully.
Anxiety feeling can keep your stuck if left unchecked.
When we allow adverse life events to trigger our anxiety, we affect our world. When we see the world from a negative lens, everything around us becomes distorted and misunderstood because we focus on one thing, the negative.
It’s not always easy to break free from this focus on the negative. But when we do break free, the world transforms before our eyes. Life is just one big gift that we all have the innate ability to change and mold into a masterpiece.
With practice in self-love and acceptance, the confidence gained from “owning who you are” leads to an inner knowing that gives you the strength to accept that anxiety is temporary.
Sadly, most people cave in and let the anxiety take over their lives and give up before reaching the other side.
But you’re not most people!
You’re taking ownership of your life, and you know with all your heart that you have the power to decide who you want it to be!
Remember that you are not alone. There are millions of others fighting their silent battles each day. So don’t give up and keep moving forward.
Anxiety is temporary, but if you do nothing, it will never go away by itself.

To live a life free of anxiety is possible. You have the option to choose this life or choose another one that’s filled with fear and negativity.
If you do nothing about anxiety, then you are destined to keep the anxiety feeling alive.
I want you to know that you can make a change, but it’s not easy and will take time.
You will need discipline, perseverance, and patience to get the results that you want.
A quote that relates to anxiety and one of my favorite quotes below, I challenge you to read it 3 times a day for 1 week until you begin to see the world without anxiety and negative thinking.
Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.— Benjamin Franklin
The more that the mind is allowed to dwell on anxious and negative thoughts, the more it will bring about things in line with this thinking.
So the next time you might feel anxious about something, please ask yourself how this will matter in 1 month, 6 months, or a year from now.
You have the choice to either go through life on edge about things that may never happen, or you can choose a different path.
To live stress-free, you must be willing to make mistakes and be ready to fail.
You can only have success if you are willing to take chances and try new things. If you want something, you will do it, and nothing will stop you from reaching your goal.
To live a life free of anxiety is possible, but it’s up to you.
If you’re constantly afraid of making a fool out of yourself, then you’re giving anxiety the upper hand.
Be kind to yourself, love yourself, and remember that you’re a work in progress. Always!
If you are worried about being rejected or judged, remind yourself that you’re enough.
And remember that if someone is telling you that you’re not good enough, what they’re saying is their opinion. What they said doesn’t matter unless it’s backed by truth.
Always look forward to tomorrow and make plans for what you want in life. Stress will always find a way into your mind if you let it.
As a result of reading this article and applying its knowledge, your life will begin to change for the better in every way, and you will start freeing yourself from anxiety feeling.
You will notice things happening around you that show you how your life is improving. Things will just begin to happen, and people who are meant to be in your life will start showing up at the perfect time and place.
Anxiety-causing things, people, and events will vanish when what you believe aligns with what you want to achieve in your life.
I hope you enjoyed this post about easing anxiety feeling.
Throughout my writing, I hope to offer you solutions to your problems, and it is my goal to share what I have learned with you.
Much Luv,
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