The Power of Now: 5 Way To Become More Mindful and Present


Most people go through their life mindlessly, running from one task to another. Truthfully up till 6 months ago, I was one of those people. Thankfully, I had a major wake up call that showed me the importance and the power of now.

Today, I’ll share with you a few ways to bring more presence into your life. The Power of Now is inarguable. From improved health to increased wealth to more fulfilling relationships, you name it, you can have it if you just apply a little more mindfulness into your daily life.

The Power of Now:

If you haven’t read Eckart Tolle‘s book “The Power of Now” I highly encourage you to do so as that book has transformed the lives of millions, I included.

Now besides being transformed, I love how Ekhart teaches the simplicity of being present and explore the power of now.

The present moment is very precious.

Because the past is gone and the future has not arrived yet so why waste the present ruminating over what happened or worrying about what could happen.

Live in the here and now and you’ll be amazed at how much more your life will improve.

I have met so many happy people over the 30+ years I have been on this earth and there is one thing that most happy people report on and that’s being mindful.

What’s being mindful mean?

Being mindful in short is being aware of what you’re doing and being fully engaged with it.

So if you’re eating mindfully, you’d be enjoying every bit, savoring every taste and being fully involved in the process of eating.

If you’re walking mindfully, you’d be breathing with intention, taking in the view of whatever scenery you’re in, listening to the birds, the cars, the people, it all depends on where you’re walking.

I think you get the picture of what it means to be mindful and practice the power of now.

How to practice the Power of Now?

Here are 4 ways to practice being present and add the power of now into your daily living.

1. Mindful Talking

Have you noticed how much we spend time talking? Next time you’re conversing with someone, practice the “Power of Now”. Get present, listen intently, listen for the sake of listening and not for the sake of responding. I am an extrovert so talking is easy for me, mindful talking can be a different story though LOL 😂😂

2. Mindful Bathing

Most people shower daily, or at least a few times a week. If you don’t then that’s your call, no judgment here, to each their own 🙂 Now back to being mindful, next time you’re in the shower, get present, feel the water on your skin, the smell of the shampoo or soap, the feeling of the loofa or wash rag that you’re using to cleanse your body. Fully immerse yourself in the bathing process. I love taking a bath! Baths are amazing when done with presence and awareness.

Here’s a shower mindfulness practice to get your creativity flowing:

Power of Now Mindful Bathing

3. Mindful Driving

Yes, I am going there! Many people drive so mindlessly that I am not going to lie I have not enjoyed driving for quite a long time. People are so busy on a daily basis that they eat while driving, text while driving, take calls while driving. Ladies, I’ve seen you apply makeup while driving too! Guys, you’re guilty too! I’ve seen one guy once, fixing his tie while driving, I changed lanes the minute I saw that 😄

4. Mindful Texting

For all the millennials in the house, I love ya and this is for you! Most people respond to text mindlessly and sometimes without even reading what they typed. Autocorrect and Siri have a mind of their own so please be mindful next time you text someone. Reading what you typed is a better strategy than apologizing later for not having read the message and there are typos or incoherent information that makes no sense.

Power of Now Mindful Texting

5. Mindful Thinking

We have 50,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day. 95% of those thoughts are subconscious which means they occur without us being aware of them. So this is an area where you’ll get the biggest bang for your buck with! Start by mindfully asking yourself about what you’re thinking.

Are your thoughts present or mindless?

If you’re working, are you thinking mindlessly about other things or focused on the task at hand.

I already told you about the book, the Power of Now, but it’s worth repeating! If you haven’t read that book, please do, it’s amazing and it’ll change the way you do things for the better. Read that book 7 years ago and made it a yearly ritual to read that book every January as my new year resolution – 7 Years strong and YES I re-read it this year too! Get Your Copy below: Disclaimer: This is an Amazon link, if you purchase using my link, Amazon will pay me a small fee. Those fees are what enable me to run this site for free. Thank you for your support❤️”

So in short, life is a series of divine present moments. When we connect with the power of now, we become aligned with the spiritual laws of consciousness. Resistance leads to pain and suffering, so surrender to the present moment, let go of judgment and you’ll become a happier, more evolved and aware person in no time.


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